A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

2022 Spring Societies Online Panel Discussion – Society Archive Presentations

The Rio Grande Modeling & Historical Society hosted a panel discussion on July 9, 2022 with over a dozen railroad historical societies who joined the event to hear 6 different societies share how their own archive operations work as an opportunity for all involved to ask questions, discuss and learn.

Post Event Info


For those who attended the event on 7/9/2022 we asked that you take a moment and fill out the survey and share your thoughts on the event and potential future events cadence and potential topics.


If you missed or want to watch the meeting, we've made the recording available on this link: Meeting Recording.

Bob McQueen also suggested if you are not already a member of the Railroad Historical Societies - IT / Archives on Groups.io please visit this link and join: https://groups.io/g/RRHS-IT-Archives/

If you have question about this event please contact David Huelsing (mphs.archivist@gmail.com) or Tim O'Fallon (membership@rgmhs.org).

The 7/9/2022 Agenda

  • Introductions/Overview
  • Each speakers took roughly 15 minutes to talk about their societies archive operations
  • Q&A panel discussion
  • Wrap-up, plan for society panel next session

Speakers (Presenters)

  • Jonathan Fischer - Pacific NW Railroad Archive
  • Bob Kelley - Pacific NW RR Archive
  • Nick Fry - John Barriger Railroad Library/B&O HS Archives
  • Jeff Eggert - C&NWHS Archives setting up space with IRM
  • Jim Singer - BRHS Archives
  • Paul Swanson - Lake State RR Archive
  • Robert McQueen - NYCHS - Digital OMEKA Archive
Hosts: David Huelsing (MPHS) & Tim O'Fallon (RGM&HS)
Tech Producer: Brent Rush (RGM&HS)

Online Meeting

Online meetings with the RGM&HS are conducted using Microsoft Teams:

Instructions on joining a Microsoft Teams meeting

Video instructions for joining a Teams meeting

You do not require a Microsoft Teams account or app to join this meeting. You can join the meeting from your web browser with no download required. You do not have to be a Microsoft customer to join this meeting. Read these instructions on joining a Teams Meeting if you are a Office 365 subscriber.

Instructions for adjusting audio settings during the meeting

We recommend using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers to join the Teams meeting. If you are using a Mac, please use Google Chrome for best results.

If your organization already uses Microsoft Teams, you can join this meeting using the Microsoft Teams app on Windows or Mac.

We do not recommend joining this meeting via mobile device, as we will be sharing slides, documents, and will require voting from another browser window.

Kindly mute your microphone after joining the meeting.

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