A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

Volume 24 Number 1 Has Been Mailed

Arriving soon in a mailbox near you! The Prospector Volume 24, Number 1 started being mailed out this week from our printer.

This issue, instead of celebrating new beginnings, it celebrates the end of not only the Rio Grande Zephyr in 1983, but the end of the Rio Grande itself. Our two authors, Daniel Quiat and Chuck Conway, have documented in text and photographs both of these events. This issue will hopefully bring the publishing schedule of the Prospector back on track (pun intended)! This issue is also special to me as it reminds me of our trip on the RGZ for our honeymoon in September of 1981.

I hope you all enjoy this first issue of Volume 24,  Dave Lotz, Editor.

Both Foreign and Domestic members should start seeing your issue delivered in the next week or so to your mailbox.  If you are not an RGM&HS member, (we highly recommend considering joining) this issue is available to purchase from the RGM&HS Company Store.


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