Contact Us

A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

Contacting Us

If for any reason you need to contact the society regarding a matter, please fill out the Contact the RGM&HS form on this page and hit the Submit button and we will route your inquiry to correct person.

Manufacturers looking for Society assistance with research material etc. for producing a prototype Rio Grande model can the contact society by visiting our Model Manufacturer Help Desk

If you need to reach us by mail our mailing address is:

RGM&HS - Member Services
P.O. Box 16474
St Louis, MO 63125-9998

(With any postal mail make sure to include your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number so we know how to contact you.)

If you have issues with this form, you can e-mail the RGM&HS Business Office at membership@rgmhs.org.

  • Select the Inquiry Category you need assistance with
  • Enter a message you on how what we can do to help you with your inqury
All Rights Reserved, Rio Grande Modeling & Historical Society