A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

The EMD F9 was a 1,750 horsepower Diesel-electric locomotive produced between February 1953 and May 1960 by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors (EMD) and General Motors Diesel (GMD). It succeeded the F7 model in GM-EMD's F-unit sequence. Final assembly was at GM-EMD's La Grange, Illinois plant. The F9 was also built in Canada by General Motors Diesel at their London, Ontario plant. The Rio Grande had 6 of EMD F9 A and B units

The DRGW roster information below by Jim Eager has not been updated since 2000. If you know any more about the deposition of any F9 listed below or you spot missing, inaccurate data, have model suggestion or a picture for any we'd love to see & hear about it. Contact the RGM&HS webmaster at: rgmhswebmaster@rgmhs.org.

Horsepower Wheel Arrangement Gearing Weight Tractive Effort DRGW Class Builder
7000 (1750 hp/unit) 16 cylinder 567C B-B 62:15 990820 238290 DE B-B 60 EMD
Road # EMD Builder # Locomotive Model Purchased Retired Notes
5762 (2nd) 20531 F9B 9/1955 9/9/1996 Ren. from 5753 (1st.) 11/24/1955.
To Colorado Railroad Museum, 9/9/1996
5763 20532 F9B 9/1955 To Union Pacific Historical Collection, Cheyene, WY
5771 20527 F9A 9/1955 9/9/1996 D&RGW 5771 rebuilt from wrecked F7571 rebuilt from wrecked F7.
It was removed from regular Rio Grande Zephyr passenger service on 23 April 1983; stored serviceable on 30 September 1984 after being used regularly on ballast unit trains.
To Colorado Railroad Museum Picture taken by Robert Sherwood at the Museum Another image
5772 20529 F9B 9/1955 9/14/1965 Equipped with Steam Generator
Wrecked Grizzly, CO, 7/25/1965
Trade in to EMD on GP40, 9/14/1965
5773 20530 F9B 9/1955 5/1969 Equipped with Steam Generator
Wrecked Grizzly, CO, 3/29/1968
To Precision Engineering Co., Mt. Vernon, IL, 5/1969, for scrap
5774 20528 F9A 9/1955 5/1969 Wrecked Grizzly, CO, 3/29/1968
To Precision Engineering Co., Mt. Vernon, IL, 5/1969, for scrap
NOTE: F7's #'s 5751, 5752, 5754, 5761, 5762(1st), and 5764 were delivered as A-B-A sets. In September, 1955, the Rio Grande acquired F9B's #'s 5753(1st) and 5763 to make the two 3-unit F7 sets in 4-unit F7A-F7B-F9B-F7A sets. In November, 1955, two of the F7B's traded sets and were re-numbered. The result was that 5751-5754 became a pure F7 A-B-B-A set and 5761-5764 became an F7A-F9B-F9B-F7A set.
All Rights Reserved, Rio Grande Modeling & Historical Society