Volume 09, Number 1


Volume 9 Number 1 – Fred Morton, Editor
Published Q1– 2010, 32 pages

  • President’s Column by David Hunt
  • A Singular Life – Jim Ozment by Stan Rhine & Mike Davis
  • Steel Cabooses 01420 – 01429 History by John Tudek
  • Modeling Rio Grande’s EMD FT by Oliver Berger

56 in stock


Volume 9 Number 1 of the Prospector was published in quarter 1 of 2010. The 32-page issue has three articles starting with the President’s Column David Hunt. David gives us an update on the Society’s activities and expressed his sympathy for the passing of Jim Ozment and his thoughts about what Jim meant to society.

Jim had an influence on the Rio Grande Modeling & Historical Society as a contributor and friend. His two sessions at the September 2009 convention were a couple of the best and most enthusiastically attended. His photographic legacy seems legendary. What a labor of love for his son Doug! We here want to honor his career as a professional railroader and railfan, as
wen as a model railroader and railroad historian. Stan and Mike, who are long-standing friends of some 50 years, have written a biography of Jim for us in the first piece.

The second piece in this issue is another great article by John Tudek on the beloved 1400 series steel cabooses of the D&RGW. John focused this time on the history of o1420-01429 built in 1941.

In the final piece, Oliver Berger covered Modeling Rio Grande’s EMD FT in HO. Having painted more than a dozen locomotives that were not available as ready-to-run models on the market Oliver details how he modified and painted Athearn models to reproduce a prototype model.

Fred Morton, Editor


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