A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

Richard Eaton steps down from RGM&HS board over health concerns

Richard Eaton one of our past Presidents and recently serving as Vice President has had to resigned from the Society's Board of Trustees due to heath concerns.  Richard’s guidance and dedication to the success of the RGM&HS helped keep the Society alive and well since it’s inception. Words are simply inadequate to thank Richard for all of his time, effort, guidance and financial contributions over the years.

He has offered to continue to produce and provide digital products for the society, and provide editing assistance has his condition permits. Society President Mike Carlson in response to Richard's announcement to the board was quoted, "Richard Eaton, In my opinion you rank right up there with those two dedicated individuals who served the Rio Grande. General Palmer and Wilson McCarthy would be proud of your efforts through the RGM&HS to preserve the memory of the Rio Grande. On behalf of all the membership we wish you well in the years to come, thank you for your years of service."

Richard's Vice President position and place on the RGM&HS Board of Trustees will be filled during the next RGM&HS Board meeting at the 2018 RGM&HS convention in August.

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