Featured in the August 2022 Green Light
We try to capture the significant D&RGW models for Rio Grande modelers in the our Rio Grande Model News section of The Green Light Newsletter. Here are the new product announcements that were in the August 2022 edition sent to members.
If we missed a product announcement, or you have a review you want to share, please let us know by commenting below or e-mailing us at: GreenLight@rgmhs.org
Tangent D&RGW “Delivery 1969” HO Scale Gunderson 6089 50′ High Cube Boxcar
Tangent’s surprised us again with a second July 2022 Rio Grande model release announcing at the St. Louis RPM meet in Collinsville, IL. they have introduced the Gunderson Brothers 50’ 6089 c.f. High Cube Double Plug Door Box Car in HO scale.
The Tangent Scale Models box car which is already available for purchase online or soon from your favorite hobby shop comes in 12 different D&RGW road numbers (62000, 62002, 62007, 62013, 62018, 62021, 62025, 62036, 62038, 62040, 62044, 62049) with an MSRP of $56.95 per model.
The Denver & Rio Grande (D&RGW) “Delivery 1969” model comes in the distinctive D&RGW “Grande Gold” orange paint coupled with black ends and carefully added roof overspray makes a model that is simply stunning. The prototype “Rio Grande” graphics were carefully fitted to the available 7 panels of space to the right of the doors. The white paint at the tops of the ends reminds you that this is a “high-cube” car. The Rio Grande cars feature truck mounted brake details, faithfully replicated with accurate truck-mounted brake beam details and no body-mounted brake cylinder on the Hydra-Cushion underframe. The Tangent D&RGW model also features accurate “unpainted” Morton style crossover platforms, early “5-board” large tack boards on the sides and ends and an Ajax handbrake. Don’t forget to check out those accurate “Hyatt” rotating roller bearing caps on the 70-ton “Birdsboro foundry” Barber S-2 trucks!
For more information see your local hobby dealer or visit https://www.tangentscalemodels.com/product/drgw-delivery-1969/
Class One Model Works announces HO Scale EMD GP-40
Class One Model Works announced at the St. Louis RPM meet in Collinsville, IL. They will be producing a EMD GP-40 in HO scale with a yet to be announced price and release date. Class One Model Works anticipates delivery in the next 12-18 months.
The model which will come 8 different roads including in Denver & Rio Grande Western (black and orange with small “Flying Grande” lettering), with multiple road numbers where applicable and will have road- and unit-specific body styles; flat cap 48” fans, diamond mesh radiator intake screen, early triangular fuel tank mounts, ribbed cab base doors, short tapered dynamic brake housing,
prototype-specific headlight and Gyralite applications, Illuminated front trucks and walkways, prime-stratolites or western-cullin rotary beacons as appropriate, two step well styles, dynamic or non-dynamic brake versions.
As we learn more from Class One Model Works on this model we will update members in a future Rio Grande Modeling update.
For more information about this upcoming model visit https://classonemodelworks.com/new/
Athearn Rio Grande HO 40 foot Express Box Car
Athearn announced a run of 40 ft. Express Box Car in HO scale in Rio Grande road numbers 261 264, and 268 slated for a August 2023 release with an MSRP of $36.95. The highly-detailed ready to run model features an injection-molded body with double Youngstown doors, separately applied brake wheel and roof walk, appropriate trucks with 33” machined metal wheels with RP25 contours. The model is weighted for optimum performance on a minimum radius curve of 18”.
While not necessarily a DRGW prototype this model harken back to the heyday of passenger service when mail & express traffic was a viable part of the railroad business. These 40’ double door boxcars, equipped with high speed trucks, represent prototype cars assigned to this service. They are decorated to match Athearn recent release of 60’ arch roof passenger cars which we also cover here in the modeling update.
For more information see your local hobby dealer or visit https://athearn.com
Athearn Rio Grande HO Scale Overland Passenger Cars
Athearn announced in late July a run of Overland Passenger Car in HO scale in Rio Grande comes in a 4-pack (RPO, combine, coach, business car) road numbers 145, 57, 309, and 10 slated for a September 2023 release with an MSRP of $149.98. An additional coach car is also available in Rio Grande road number 302 and has a MSRP of $42.99
Based on the prototypes at the turn of the late 1800s passenger train travel was much more like the stagecoach that it had replaced. The Overland style passenger car is iconic to this era, a time of great expansion for the railroads with the transcontinental route and the settling of the Wild West. The railroads brought much change to the landscape of North America. Passenger trains of the time were the best way to get across the continent. The Overland passenger cars facilitated this new era of transportation.
The highly-detailed ready to run models features an injection-molded body painted and printed to match the D&RGW prototype paint and markings. The model comes with fine end handrails and ladders, clear windows (car sides) and green-tinted clerestory windows, machined metal wheels weighted for optimum performance, body-mounted McHenry operating scale knuckle
For more information see your local hobby dealer or visit https://athearn.com
Athearn Rio Grande HO 2-8-0 Steam Locomotive
Athearn announced in late July a new run of 2-8-0 Steam Locomotives in HO scale in Rio Grande slated for a September 2023 release. The model will come in both a DCC ready non-sound and DCC sound equipped versions in your choice of two road numbers 944 & 977. The MSRP for the non-sound model is $214.99 and the MSRP for the sound unit will be $284.99.
The fully-assembled and ready-to-run locomotive features a highly-detailed, injection-molded body with a heavy die-cast frame for greater traction and more pulling power. Prototype painted and printed for realistic decoration, see-through cab windows, separately applied wire-form details, smoke stack, boiler mounted bell, bi-directional LED constant lighting so headlight brightness remains consistent, 5-pole motor with precision-machined flywheels and multi-link drive train for trouble-free operation, all-wheel drive with precision gears for smooth and quiet operation, all-wheel electrical pickup provides reliable current flow, McHenry operating scale knuckle couplers. The non-sound DCC ready model will have a 21 pin plug if you want add a decoder later. The sound-equipped model features an onboard DCC decoder with SoundTraxx Ecomani sound and will operate in both DC and DCC. full DCC functions available when operated in DCC mode, precision slow speed control. The decoder will also allow you to program a multiple unit (MU) lash up with lead unit only horn, bell, and lights.
For more information see your local hobby dealer or visit https://athearn.com
Athearn Rio Grande HO Scale 40’ Stock Cars
Athearn announced in late July a new run of Rio Grande HO scale 40’ stock cars slated for a September 2023 release which will come in a 4-pack D&RGW road numbers 36423, 36441, 36465, 36477 with an MSRP of $121.99. Two additional stock cars is also available in Rio Grande road number 36413 and 36450 and has a MSRP of $34.99 each.
The highly-detailed ready to run models features an injection-molded body painted and printed to match the D&RGW prototype paint and markings. The model comes with Underbody with brake system details, weighted for optimum performance, separately applied brake wheel, body-mounted McHenry operating scale knuckle couplers, and machined RP25 contour metal wheels.
For more information see your local hobby dealer or visit https://athearn.com