Gondolas 1887 - 1959 - RGMHS.ORG %

A Colorado not-for-profit corporation


A gondola is an open-topped railcar used for transporting loose bulk materials. Because of their low side walls, gondolas are also suitable for the carriage of such high-density cargoes as steel plates or coils, or of bulky items such as prefabricated sections of rail track. Gondolas are distinct from hopper cars in that they do not have doors on their floor to empty cargo.

The DRGW roster information below has not been updated since 1999 by Jim Eager.  If you know of the current deposition of a car listed below or you spot missing, inaccurate data, have model suggestion or a picture for any Rio Grande boxcar we'd love to see & hear about it.   Contact the RGM&HS webmaster at: rgmhswebmaster@rgmhs.org

Gondolas 1887 – 1959


Series Lbs Type I L CuFt Bldr Blt - Yr Ret Commodity Design Notes
15000-15199 60 GK 30-00 869 PCC - 1887 1923 Coal Wood, truss rod, outside stakes
15200-15699 60 GK 30-00 869 MCC/PCC? - 1888 1923 Coal Wood, truss rod, outside stakes
15700-15736 60 GK 30-00 869 PCC? - 1890 1923 Coal Wood, truss rod, outside stakes
15737-15987 60 GK 32-05 858 OFC 1889= 1897 <1926 Coal Wood, truss rod Ex-RGW 500-800
16000-16250 80 GK 36-01 1326 OFC 8- 1899 Rblt Coal Wood, truss rod, inside stakes
16251-16258 80 GK 36-02 1326 ? < 1905 Rblt Coal Wood, truss rod, inside stakes
16000-16258 Rbld 80 GDS 35-07 1700 Rblt - 1926 <1946 Sugar Beets Wood, truss rod, inside stakes, racks, side dump
16300-16376 80 GAS 34-06 2258 Rblt - 1937 1948 Sugar Beets Wood, SCS, inside stakes, bottom dump, racks Ex-26000-26474
17000-17099 80 GK 36-01 1349 D&RG? - 1902 Rblt Coal Wood, truss rod, inside stakes
17000-17099 Rbld 80 GDS 35-06 1735 Rblt - 1926 <1933 Sugar Beets Wood, truss rod, inside stakes, racks, side dump
17100-17171 80 GK 35-07 1494 DRG - 1906? <1933 Coal Wood, truss rod, inside stakes 1 car 9/29
17172-17185 80 GK 35-07 1494 RGW? - 1906? <1937 Coal Wood, truss rod, inside stakes Ex-RGW 1001-1014, 1 car 7-37
17186 80 GD 37-00 1464 RGW? - <1926 Coal Wood, truss rod, side dump Ex-RGW 1201
17187-17195 30 GB 27-09 497 ? - <1917 Wood Ex-SPV 21022-22484
17196-17199 30 GB 31-04 609 ? - <1917 Wood Ex-SPV 500-503
17400-17494Cnvtd 80 GB 38-01 1476 PSC 4- 1901 RE# Coal, Gen Serv SUF, fishbelly sill, wood deck & sides added Ex-RGW 201-300; to 20900's <1929
17419 Rbld 80 GB 38-01 1007 Rblt < 1926 Rblt Clay SUF, fishbelly sill, wood Ex-17400 flat
17500-17999 80 GK 35-07 1362 ACF L1930 3- 1902 Rblt Coal Wood, truss rod, inside stakes
17500-17999 80 GDS 35-00 1800 Rblt - 1926 <1946 Sugar beets Wood, truss rod, inside stakes, racks, side dump
18000-18035 60 GA 25-06 969 PCC - 1890 <1913 Coal, Ore Wood, hopper bottom, outside stakes
18036-18059 60 GAC 25-06 969* PCC - 1890 <1913 Coke Wood, hopper bottom, outside stakes, racks
18100-18198 80 GA 36-00 1476 PSC 5- 1901 Rblt Coal Steel, 2 bottom hoppers Ex-RGW 801-900
18100-18198 Rbld 80 GB 36-00 1351 Rblt 12- 1926 1946 Coal Steel, hoppers removed
20000-20338 Rbld 60 GK 31-00 1890 Rblt < 1905 <1926 Coal, Cinders Wood, truss rod, wood sides added
21000-21249 Cnvtd 100 GB 40-00 - - - - Convtd 11- 1909 <1954 Coal Steel, *10 stake pockets, side boards added
024000-024019 60 GD 34-03 1903 DRG - 1903 <1929 Cinders Wood, truss rod, side dump, inside stakes
024020-024029 60 GD 34-03 1903 DRG - 1906 <1929 Cinders Wood, truss rod, side dump, inside stakes
25000-25149 2nd 60 GD 34-06 890 ACF? - 1902 <1926 Ballast Wood, truss rod, side dump, Rodgers Hart design
25200-25699 100 GE 40-00 1212* ACF L8283 9- 1917 1955 Ballast, Coal SUF, side/bottom dump, Hart convertable design, *1599cuft
25900-25999 80 GS 36-06 1630 Rblt - 1926 1947 Coal SUF, bottom dump, racks removed Ex-26750-26999
26000-26474 80 GS 34-06 1224 ACF L2541 - 1903 Rblt Ballast, Ore, Coal SCS, bottom dump, inside stakes, National design
26000-26474 Rbld 80 GC 34-06 1902 Rblt < 1937 <1946 Ballast, Coal Rblt with taller sides
26475-26749 80 GC 34-06 2985 ACF L2541 4- 1903 1956 Coke, Ballast SCS, bottom dump, inside stakes, racks, National design
26750-26999 80 GC 36-06 3250 ACF L4448 2- 1907 <1946 Coke, Coal SUF, bottom dump, inside stakes, racks, National design 100 cars to 25900-25999 in 1926
27000-27499 80 GA 36-00 1296 ACF 10- 1903 <1954 Coal Wood, truss rods, bottom dump, inside stakes
28000-28199 100 GA/GB* 40-00 1500 ACF L4557 9- 1907 <1951 Coal, Gen Serv SUF, fishbelly sill, composite sides, bottom dump *some Rblt w/solid floor
28200-28499 100 GA/GB* 40-00 1500 ACF L4557 9- 1907 <1951 Coal, Gen Serv SUF, fishbelly sill, composite, bottom dump Ex-RGW 5000-5299
28385 Rbld 100 GD 40-00 1500 Rblt - 1943 1955 Feldspar Rblt w/Side doors
28405,28446 Rbld 100 GD 40-00 1500 Rblt - 1943 1952 Feldspar Rblt w/Side doors
29000-29124 100 GS 22-00 895 ACF L4483 11- 1906 <1951 Copper Ore SUF, composite, National design
29125-29249 100 GS 22-00 895 ACF L4483 12- 1906 1954 Copper Ore SUF, composite, National design Ex-RGW 4000-4124
29800-29824 60 GC 36-06 2333 ? < 1913 <1926 Coke Wood, truss rod, racks
29900-29931 60 GC 31-06 1608 ? < 1913 <1926 Coke Wood, truss rod, racks
30000-30049 2nd 154 GB 65-00 1763 PSC 12- 1939 Steel Prdcts 17 rib, riv, drop end, Duryea uf
30050-30099 2nd 154 GB 65-00 1777 PSC 3- 1944 1947 Steel Prdcts 17 rib, riv, drop end Defense Plant Corp, to ARR 5-47
30050-30099 3rd 154 GB 65-06 1777 PSC 10=11- 1948 Steel Prdcts 19 rib, riv, drop end, AAR design
30100-30149 2nd 154 GB 65-06 1777 BSC 12- 1949 Steel Prdcts 25 rib, riv, drop end
40000-40999 100 GS 36-00 1400* PSC 1=2- 1908 Coal Steel, outside stakes, *sides extended 10 inches, increased to 1688 cuft
41000-42500 100 GS 36-00 1400* PSC - 1909 Coal Steel, outside stakes, *sides extended 10 inches, increased to 1688 cuft
43000-43349 100 GS 40-00 1750 PSC -12= 1913 Coal Steel, outside stakes
43350-43629 100 GS 40-00 1658 WSCF - 1913 Coal Steel, inside stakes Ex-D&SL 34001-34300 in 1947
45000-45499 110 GS 42-00 2100 PSC 3=4- 1926 Coal Steel, inside stakes
46000-46499 100 GS 42-09 2100 PSC -1947= 1948 Coal 7 rib, riv, ID 4 ends, *Duryea u.f.
46500-46999 100 GS 42-09 2100 PSC - 1948 Coal 7 rib, riv, *AAR 4 ends, *Duryea u.f.
47000-47499 100 GS 42-09 2100 PSC - 1949 Coal 7 rib, riv, *AAR 4 ends
50000-50449 100 GB 41-06 1840 MVC 10- 1943 1947 Steel Prdcts 10 rib, riv, *AAR 4 ends Defense Plant Corp, to ARR 6-47
55000-55249 154 GB 52-06 1745 PS 12- 1948 Gen/Asgn Serv* 13 rib, riv, PS end 3 Some GBS for Coil Steel
55250-55449 154 GB 52-06 1745 PS - 1949 Gen/Asgn Serv* 13 rib, riv, PS end 3 Some GBS for Coil Steel
70000-70699 140 GS 46-03 2400 WSCF 4=5- 1922 Coal Steel, inside stakes
71000-71999 154 GS 46-00 2340 PSC 2- 1943 Coal, Stone 7 rib composite, 5 AAR ends, Duryea u.f, some cars Rblt w/steel siding begining 1949
72000-73699 154 GS 46-00 2410 GATC -1953= 1954 Coal, Stone 7 ribs, 5 ID ends
80000-80299 140 GS 46-03 2400 RE# -1956= 1957 Stone Steel, inside stakes Ex-70000-70699
83000-83090 100 GB 40-00 1715 Rblt - 1948 1956 Pig Iron Steel, *solid plate steel floor added Ex-43000-43349
85000-85007 100 GB 40-00 1715 Rblt - 1948 1951 Pig Iron Steel, *solid plate steel floor added Ex-43000-43349



Lbs Weight capacity in lbs x 1,000
Type AAR car type code (i.e. XM = boxcar, etc
IL Interior Length or tank
Bldr ACF = American Car & Foundry; BSC = Bethlehem Steel Car; CSCC = Chicago Steel Car Co.; GATC = General American Transportation Co.; H&B; = Haskell & Barker; IC&E; = Illinois Car & Equipment; KCSS = Kansas City Structural Steel; LCC = Litchfield Car Co; MPC = Michigan-Peninsular Car; MC&F; = Missouri Car & Foundry; MCW = Michgan Car Works; MVC = Mt. Vernon Car (PSC); OFC = Ohio Falls Car; PAC = Pennsylvania Car; PCC = Peninsular Car Co.; PSC = Pressed Steel Car; PS = Pullman-Standard; PUL = Pullman; SSC = Standard Steel Car; W&F; = Wells & French; WSCF = Western Steel Car & Foundry (PSC)
Date-Yr Month and Year built
Ret Last year class was listed in ORER
Commodity Most commonly shipped
Design General design features: YSD=Youngstown Sliding Door, YPD=Youngstown Plug Door; YPDX=Youngstown Plug Door Exterior Post; PPD=Pullman " Plug Door; SPD4=Superior Plug Door; ID=Improved Dreadnaught ends, cush=cushioned underframe, Duryea=Duryea cush u.f., FS=ACF Freight Saver cush u.f., Waugh=Waugh cush u.f., EOC=end of car cushioning
Notes General notes

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