A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

A boxcar is a railroad car that is enclosed and generally used to carry freight. The boxcar, is probably the most versatile, since it can carry most loads. Rio grande boxcars varyed size options and operation to fit the needs of customers, Their generalized design is still slower to load and unload than specialized designs of car, and have declined dramatic in the later have of the twentieth century in favor of intermodal containers for shipping but still existed and used in great numbers by the Rio Grande.

The DRGW roster information below has not been updated since 1999 by Jim Eager.  If you know of the current deposition of a car listed below or you spot missing, inaccurate data, have model suggestion or a picture for any Rio Grande boxcar we'd love to see & hear about it.   Contact the RGM&HS webmaster at: rgmhswebmaster@rgmhs.org

Box Cars 1960 - 1993

Series Capacity Lbs AAR Type IL CuFt Builder Date (month-year) Year Year Retired Commodity HO Kit N Kit Paint Design Notes
40000-40093 2nd 154 XM 50-07 C 5258 FMC P 11- 1972 . Wood Prdcts Athearn . 1 Ext Post,*waffle, 8+8 YSD, Keystone cush Wood Packer,assigned SP Eug,OR
40094-40099 2nd 154 XM 50-07 C 5258 FMC P 11- 1972 . Aluminium Coil Athearn . 1 Ext Post,*waffle, 8+8 YSD, Keystone cush .
50150-50499 110 XM 40-06 3903 PS 4-1947, 12- 1948* <1993 Gen Serv Intermountain, McKean, WALTHERS (MT, Atlas) . PS1, 7 SUP, 10-0 & 10-6 IH *Leased from USRE 1966, ex-NH?
60000-60076 110 XI 40-00 2906 RBLT/ RE# -1954= 1961 <1993 Bakery Goods C&BT Shops ATLAS 2 Insulated, Duryea Ex-68400-69899, Cookie Box
60200-60209 110 XL 40-06 3961 RBLT/ RE# - 1954 <1983 Appliances . . 3 Rivt, 5/5 Drdnt,9*+6YSD, DF loaders, Duryea Ex-65100-65199
60250-60295 110 XL 40-06 3961 RBLT/ RE# - 1958 <1993 Appliances . . 3 Rivt, 5/5 Drdnt,9*+6YSD, DF, Duryea Ex-65100-65199
60296-60301 110 XL 40-06 3961 RBLT/ RE# - 1960 <1993 Appliances . . 3 Rivt, 5/5 Drdnt,9*+6YSD, STB, Duryea Ex-65100-65199
60302-60324 110 XL 40-06 3961 RBLT/ RE# -1960= 1961 <1993 Appliances . . 3 Rivt, 5/5 Drdnt,9*+6YSD, SEL, Duryea Ex-65100-65199
60325-60330 110 XL 40-06 3961 RBLT/ RE# < 1962 <1977 Appliances . . 3 Rivt, 5/5 Drdnt,9*+6YSD, loaders, Duryea Ex-65100-65199
60500-60509 110 XL 50-06 4884 PS 10- 1954 . Autoparts Intermountain MT* 4 PS1, 9 YSD, DF loaders Lot 8254
61200-61399* 1st 100 XA 50-00 4500 MVC 3=4- 1926 <1967 Wallboard . . 3 Dbl Shth,SUF,8/9 Rev Murphy,radial roof,ARA design, *10 cars -1965 .
61400-61699* 1st 100 XA 50-00 4500 MVC 6=7- 1927 <1967 Wallboard . . 3 Dbl Shth,SUF,4/5 Rev Drdnt,radial roof,ARA design, *9 cars -1965 .
61700-61719* 1st 100 XA 50-00 4797 RBLT/ RE# -1937= 1939 1964 Wallboard . . 3 Roof raised Ex-61400-61699, *Only 2 cars -1962
61720-61749* 1st 100 XA 50-00 4797 RBLT/ RE# - 1941 1964 Wallboard . . 3 Roof raised, steel sides & doors Ex-61400-61699, *Only 2 cars -1962
61750-61799* 1st 100 XA 50-00 4797 RBLT/ RE# - 1942 <1967 Wallboard . . 3 Roof raised, steel sides & doors Ex-61400-61699, *4 cars -1965
62000-62049 147 XL 50-07 F 6089 GBEC P 4- 1969 <1993 Gen/Asgn Serv . . 1 Ext Post, R4/3/3, 8+8 YPDX, HC20 .
63000-63099 150 XM 50-06 4960 GATC EC 4- 1968 . Gen Serv Front Range Products/McKean . 1 Weld, 4/4 ID, 7YPD+8YSD, Cush20 .
63100-63199 150 XM 50-06 5009 EP PLY 3=4- 1968 . Gen Serv Front Range Products/McKean . 1 Weld, 4/4 ID, 7YPD+8YSD, Cush20 .
63200-63299 150 XM* 50-06 4960 GATC EC 6- 1967 . Gen Serv Front Range Products/McKean . 5 Weld, R4/4 ID, 7YPD+8YSD, Cush *63255-266: XF for food loading
63300-63499 145 XM 50-06 4941 ACF STL 10- 1966 <1993* Gen Serv Front Range Products/McKean . 3 Weld, R4/4 ID, 7+8 YSD, Key20 *50 to B&M 70000-70049 in -1979
63500-63699 110 XM/L 50-06 4952 PS MC 5- 1957 <1983* GenServ,Autopart Intermountain MT 3 PS1, 7+8 YSD Lot 8326,*Most to MPA7200-399 in-1977
63700-63799 140 XM/L 50-06 4982 ACF STL 6=8- 1963 <1993 Gen/Asgn Serv* Front Range Products/McKean . 6 Weld, R4/4 ID, 7+8 YSD, Key20 *Auto parts, Copper Bullion, Glass
63800-63830 176 XP 60-09 E 6013 TC CH 9- 1963 . Auto Parts Con-Cor Con-Cor 6 Weld, 4/4 ID, 8+8 YPDX, Cush Ford pool
63831-63832 176 XL 60-08 E 6529 ACF STL 1- 1966 1972* Auto Parts Con-Cor . . Weld, 4/4 ID, 10 YSD, Cush *To UP 960750-751
63833-63834 176 XL 60-08 E 6475 ACF STL 1- 1966 1972* Auto Parts Con-Cor . . Weld, 4/4 ID, 8+8 YSD, Cush *To UP 960752-753
63835-63836 174 XL 60-08 E 6302 PS MC 7- 1966 <1993* Auto Parts . . 3 PS1, 8+8 YSD, HF Lot 9104B,*63835 to UP 960754 in -1972
63837-63840 136 XL 60-08 E 6638 PS BESS 11- 1966 1972* Auto Parts . . . PS1, 10 YSD, HF Lot 9204A,*To UP 960755-758
63841-63842 136 XL 60-08 E 6426 PS BESS 11- 1966 . Auto Parts . . 3 PS1, 10 YSD, Key20 Lot 9204B,Asgnd to GBW, Grn Bay,WI
63843-63847 140 XL 60-09 E 6450 EP - 1968 1972* Auto Parts Con-Cor . 5 Weld, 4/4 ID, 6+10 YSD, HC20 Chev pool,*To UP 960759-763
63848-63850 180 XL 60-03 E 6475 ACF 2- 1970 1972* Auto Parts Con-Cor . . Weld, 4/4 ID, 8+8 YSD, Cush20 Chev pool,*To UP 960764-765
63851-63856 139 XL 60-08 E 6480 ACF STL 4- 1970 . Auto Parts Con-Cor . . Weld, 4/4 ID, 8+8 YSD, Cush GM,*63851-854 to UP960766-769 -1972
63880-63887 1st 137 XL 60-08 E 6440 ACF 1- 1966 1972* Auto Parts Con-Cor . . Weld, 4/4 ID, 10 YSD, Cush *63880=887 to UP in -1972
63888-63899 1st 140 XL 60-08 E 6344 PS BESS 1- 1965 1972* Auto Parts . . . PS1, 10 YSD, HC40 Lot 8974 *63888=899 to UP960776-786 -1972
63886-63894 2nd 164 XP 60-09 F 7321 BFF 12- 1978 . Auto Parts . . 5 Ext Post, corrugated ends, waffle, 8+8 YPDX .
63895-63896 2nd 168 XP 59-04 F 7167 BFF - 1978 . Auto Parts . . . Ext Post, corrugated ends, waffle, 8+8 YPDX .
63900-63924 100 XL 86-06 F 10000 TC CH 9- 1964 <1993 Auto Parts Athearn . 3 Weld, R4/3/3 ID, 10+10 YPDX, Cush Ford pool
63925-63933 117 XL 86-06 F 10000 PS BESS 2- 1965 1972* Auto Parts . . . PS1, 10+10 YPDX, HF40 Lot 8950F,*To UP 980220-228
63934-63939 99 XL 86-06 F 10000 PS BESS 7- 1966 1972* Auto Parts . . . PS1, 10+10/10+10 YPDX, Cush Lot 9106C,*To UP 980229-234
63940-63949 100 XL 86-06 F 10000 TC CH 4- 1966 <1993 Auto Parts Athearn . 3 Weld, R4/3/3 ID, 10+10 YPDX, Cush Ford pool
63950-63956 144 XP 86-06 F 10000 TC CH 5- 1967 <1993 Auto Parts Athearn . 5 Weld, R4/3/3 ID, 10+10 YPDX, Cush Ford pool
63957-63960 144 XP 86-06 F 10000 PS BESS 12- 1967 <1993 Auto Parts . . 5 PS1, 10+10 YPDX, HC40 Lot 9275J, Ford pool
63961-63990 142 XL 86-06 F 10000 GSC GV 11- 1969 <1993 Auto Parts Athearn . 1 Rivt, R4/3/3 ID, 10+10 YPDX, Cush Ford pool
63991-63992 104 XP 86-06 F 10000 TC > 1968 <1974 Auto Parts . . . R4/3/3 ID, 10+10 YPDX, EOC Chev pool
64000-64099 110 XM 50-06 4952 ACF 8- 1956 . Gen/Asgn Serv* Front Range Products/McKean . 4 Weld, R4/4 ID, 8 YSD *Auto parts
64100-64149 195 XM/L 50-06 5077 FGE AX 12- 1974 . Gen Serv . . 1 Ext Post, Waffle, inset R4/4 ID, 10 YSD .
64200-64239 200 XL 86-06 F 10000 TC CH 11- 1973* <1993 Auto Parts Athearn . Spartan re-stencil or repaint Rivt, R4/3/3 ID, 10+10 YPDX *Ex-RI 32860-32899 in -1977
65100-65199 110 XM/L 40-06 3961 PSC 11- 1939 <1968 Autoparts . . 3 Rivt, 5/5 Drdnt,9*+6YSD, Duryea .
65200-65299 184 XL 50-06 4960 GATC EC 7- 1967 . Metals* Front Range Products/McKean . 5 Weld, R4/4 ID, 7+8 YSD, Cush Copper, lead, tinplate, vanadium oxide
65300-65349 195 XL 50-06 C 5100 ACF STL 6=8- 1971 . Asgn Serv* Front Range Products/McKean . 1 Ext Post, Waffle, R4/4 ID, 10 YSD, FC20Ó *Copper & Lead Bullion
66000-67499* 80 XM 40-00 2720 PULL - 1916 <1967 Gen Serv Westerfield . 3 Single Sheath, SUF Lot 5272, *Only 1 car in -1965
67400-67419 110 XL 40-06 3850 W&K?* -1965= 1966 <1993 Appliances AMB/ Gloor Craft . 3 Transco nailable stl sides,4/4ID,10YSD,DUR *Rblt/Re# from 67500-67999
67420-67426 150 XL 40-06 F 4730 PS 11- 1967 . Appliances* . . 5 PS1, 10 PSD, HF40 Lot 9256A,*Whirlpool appliances
67427-67430 150 XL 40-06 F 4730 PS 11- 1967 . Appliances* . . 5 PS1, 10 PSD, HF40 Lot 9255A,*Whirlpool appliances
67431-67450-AB 220 XP 40-06x2 7700 RBLT . <1967 <1993 Wood Chips* . . . *Paired 67500-68899 box cars *Asigned S.Fork,CO to Nekoosa,WI
67431-67450 2nd 110 XP 40-06 7700 * . <1974 <1993 Gen Serv . . . *Separated .
67500-67999 110 XM 40-06 3850 PSC 3=4- 1946 <1993 Gen Serv C&BT Shops DLX* 3 Rivt 12 pan, 4/4 ID, 6 SSD, Duryea .
68000-68399 110 XM 40-06 3840 PSC 9=10- 1939 <1993 Gen Serv C&BT Shops . 3 Rivt 12 pan, *4/5 Drdnt, 6 YSD, Duryea .
68400-68899 110 XM/L 40-06 3840 PSC 10- 1940 <1993 Gen/Asgn Serv* C&BT Shops . 3 Rivt 12 pan, *4/5 Drdnt, 6 YSD, Duryea *Auto Parts
68900-69399 110 XM 40-06 3840 PSC 4- 1941 <1993 Gen Serv C&BT Shops . 3 Rivt 12 pan, *4/5 Drdnt, 6 YSD, Duryea .
69400-69899 110 XM 40-06 3840 PSC 2- 1942 <1993 Gen Serv C&BT Shops . 3 Rivt 12 pan, *4/5 Drdnt, 6 YSD, Duryea


1. Orange, black stacked Rio Grande, 1968-on
2. Silver (or white), black flying Rio Grande, red Cookie Box, 1954-1961
3. Mineral red, white flying Rio Grande, 1939-1966
4. Aspen Gold over silver, black ends, stripe, flying Rio Grande, 1956-65
5. Mineral red, white stacked Rio Grande, 1967-70
6. Yellow-orange, optional black ends, stripe, flying Rio Grande, 1962-66


Lbs Weight capacity in lbs x 1,000
Type AAR car type code (i.e. XM = boxcar, etc.)
IL Interior Length or tank
Bldr ACF = American Car & Foundry; BSC = Bethlehem Steel Car; CSCC = Chicago Steel Car Co.; GATC = General American Transportation Co.; H&B; = Haskell & Barker; IC&E; = Illinois Car & Equipment; KCSS = Kansas City Structural Steel; LCC = Litchfield Car Co; MPC = Michigan-Peninsular Car; MC&F; = Missouri Car & Foundry; MCW = Michgan Car Works; MVC = Mt. Vernon Car (PSC); OFC = Ohio Falls Car; PAC = Pennsylvania Car; PCC = Peninsular Car Co.; PSC = Pressed Steel Car; PS = Pullman-Standard; PUL = Pullman; SSC = Standard Steel Car; W&F; = Wells & French; WSCF = Western Steel Car & Foundry (PSC)
Date-Yr Month and Year built
Ret Last year class was listed in ORER
Commodity Most commonly shipped
HO Kit & N Kit Closest available kit or RTR: * indicates needs modifications; () indicates stand-in only. Manufacturers: ACCU=Accurail; AMB=Ambroid; ATH=Athearn; ATLAS=Atlas; BACH=Bachmann; BL=Branchline Trains; BOWS=Bowser; CBT=C&BT Shops; CON=Con-Cor; CUS=Custom Rail Shops; DA=Details Associates; DVFC=Delaware Valley Freight Car; E&C=E&C Shops; ECW=Eastern Car Works; EEL=Eel River Models; DLX=DeLuxe Innovations; FRP=Front Range Products; GLOR=Gloor Craft; IMT=Intermountain; LAM=Lambert; LL=Life-Like; McK=McKean Models; MDC=Model Die Casting; MT=Micro Trains; OMI=Overland Models; P2K=Proto 2000; PFM=Pacific Fast Mail; PIT=Pittsburgh Scale Models; PM=Precision Masters; RR=Robins Rails; STW=Stewart Hobbies; TICH=Tichy Train Group; WAL=Walthers; WEST=Westerfield;
Design General design features: YSD=Youngstown Sliding Door, YPD=Youngstown Plug Door; YPDX=Youngstown Plug Door Exterior Post; PPD=Pullman " Plug Door; SPD4=Superior Plug Door; ID=Improved Dreadnaught ends, cush=cushioned underframe, Duryea=Duryea cush u.f., FS=ACF Freight Saver cush u.f., Waugh=Waugh cush u.f., EOC=end of car cushioning
Notes General notes
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