A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

A flat car is a piece of rolling stock that consists of an open, flat deck mounted on a pair of trucks , one at each end containing four or six wheels.  The deck of the car can be wood or steel, and the sides of the deck can include pockets for stakes or tie-down points to secure loads.

The DRGW roster information below has not been updated since 1999 by Jim Eager.  If you know of the current deposition of a car listed below or you spot missing, inaccurate data, have model suggestion or a picture for any Rio Grande boxcar we'd love to see & hear about it.   Contact the RGM&HS webmaster at: rgmhswebmaster@rgmhs.org


Flat Cars 1960 - 1993

Series Lbs AAR Type IL CuFt Bldr Date (month-year) Yr Ret Commodity HO Kit N Kit Paint Design Notes
2051-2095 180 FBS 59-11 . . - . <1984 Wallboard . . . Bulkhead flat *Ex-? in -1982
4000-4072 140 FMS 85-00 . PS 7- 1961* . Pipe Athearn* . 1 L sills,*stake pockets *Leased from NACC in -1968=1969
8801-9000 140 FC 89-04 . PS BES 8- 1980* . TOFC/ COFC Atlas, Accurail Micro-Trains 1 Flush deck, 2 hitches *Ex-WP 8801-9000 in -1985
20000-20006 110 FMS 53-06 . RBLT/ RE# - 1957 <1962 Auto Frames Proto 2000* . 2 15 pocket, rivt Ex-22000-22199
20007-20010 110 FMS 53-06 . RBLT/ RE# - 1962 <1993 Truck Frames Proto 2000* . 2 15 pocket, rivt Ex-22000-22239
20011-20014 110 FMS 53-06 . RBLT/ RE# - 1962 <1977 Auto Frames Proto 2000* . 2 15 pocket, rivt Ex-22000-22199
20020-20024 0 FMS 48-05 . RBLT/ RE# < 1965 <1976 Cylinders* Proto 2000* . 2 21 stakes, blkhds Ex-22200-22239, *Vanadium Oxide
20025-20029-AB 220 FC 107-00 . RBLT/ RE# < 1965 <1993 COFC Proto 2000* . 2 14 pocket, rivt, articulated A&B Ex-21000-21099
20030-20039-AB 220 FC 107-00 . RBLT/ RE# < 1968 <1993 COFC Proto 2000* . 2 15 pocket, rivt, articulated A&B Ex-22000-22239
20025-20039 2nd 110 FM 53-06 . * - . <1993 . Proto 2000 . 2 *Separated Ex-22000-22239
20050-20056 209 FMS 48-06 . GSI GC 1- 1966 . Containers* Walthers* Walthers*, Athearn 2 16 pocket,cast,blkhds, 10Ó EOC *Molybdenum
21000-21099 110 FM/S 53-06 . BSC JTN 6- 1959 . Gen/Asgn Serv* . . 2 14 pocket, weld *Auto frames
21500-21508 130 FC 85-00 . PS BUT 5- 1959 . T/COFC >Pipe Athearn* . 2 Fishbelly L sills, 2 hitches, later removed Lot 8458B
21509-21523 130 FC 85-00 . PS BUT 6=9- 1959 . T/COFC >Pipe Athearn* . 2 Fishbelly L sills, 2 hitches, later removed Lot 8505
21524-21548 130 FC 85-00 . PS BUT 2- 1963 . T/COFC >Pipe Athearn* . 2 Straight L sills, 2 hitches, later removed Lot 8777A
21700-21759 1st 130 FA 88-10 . BSC JTN/WK 8- 1963 . Autos Walthers + rack . 2 C sills, *Tri-level racks .
21700-21759 1st 130 FA 88-10 . BSC JTN/WK 8- 1963 . Lt Trucks Walthers + rack . 2 C sills, *Bi-level : 21702,-04,-05,-06,-29,-30,-35,-37,-40,-43,-46 .
21700-21759 2nd 130 FMS 89-00 . RBLT > 1971+ . Pipe,Air Ducts Walthers . 2 C sills, De-racked bi- and tri-levels .
22000-22199 110 FM/S 53-06 . MVC 2- 1944 <1993 Gen Serv Proto 2000 . 2 15 pocket, rivt, AAR design, Brandon tie-downs: 22231-232 .
22200-22239 110 FM 53-06 . DRGW - 1951 <1993 Gen Serv Proto 2000 . 2 15 pocket, rivt, AAR design .
22247 110 FB 40-06 . DRGW* - 1952 1962 Wallboard Proto 2000* . 2 11 pocket, rivt, / blkhds added *Blt -1951, bulkheads added, to 20007 -1962
22261 110 FB 42-00 . RBLT/ RE# - 1952 <1965 Wallboard Proto 2000* . 2 11 pocket, rivt, / blkhds added Ex-22000-22199
22267-22299 (4*) 110 FB 42-00 . RBLT/ RE# - 1954 1962 Wallboard Proto 2000* . 2 11 pocket, rivt, / blkhds added Ex-22200-22239,*22267,279,281,299
22278-22317 (5*) 110 FB 40-06 . RBLT/ RE# - 1954 <? Wallboard Proto 2000* . 2 15 pocket, rivt, / blkhds added Ex-22000-22199,*22278,2307,209,210,217
22330-21504 110 FB 48-05 . RBLT/ RE# - 1956 <1993 Wallboard Proto 2000* . 2 13 pocket, rivt, blkhds added Ex-22000-22329
21505-22424 110 FB 48-05 . RBLT/ RE# -1958= 1959 <1993 Wallboard Proto 2000* . 2 13 pocket, rivt, blkhds added Ex-22000-22239
22425-22473 110 FB 48-05 . RBLT/ RE# - 1955 <1993 Wallboard Proto 2000* . 2 13 pocket, rivt, blkhds added Ex-22240-22329
22485-22534 110 FB 48-06 . BSC JTN - 1960 . Wallboard . . 2 13 pocket, weld .
22535-22561 110 FB 48-06 . BSC JTN - 1962 . Wallboard . . 2 13 pocket, weld .
22562-22661 110 FB 48-06 . BSC JTN - 1963 . Wallboard . . 2 13 pocket, weld .
22662-22761 140 FB 48-06 . GSI GC 3- 1965 . Wallbrd, Plate Stl Walthers Walthers, Athearn 2 16 pocket, cast, blkhds, 10 EOC .
23000-23099 110 FM 53-06 . ACF 8=9- 1956 . Gen Serv Proto 2000 . 2 15 pocket, rivt, AAR design .
80000-80005 2nd 315 FC 107-00* . RBLT/ RE# . <1983 . COFC Walthers* .Walthers*, Athearn 2 2 permanently coupled cars A&B Ex-22xxx series GSI bulkhead flats
80010-80016 2nd 400 FMS 50-00 . TC 6- 1989 . Missile COFC . . 1 Heavy capacity, 4 truck, reefer container .
105004-105049 150 FC 89-04 . ACF STL 9- 1978* <1993 TOFC/ COFC Atlas, Accurail Micro-Trains 1 Flush deck, 2 hitches *Ex-MEC (nee P&W) in -1982


1. Spartan re-stencil or repaint
2. Black, white flying Rio Grande, 1944-on


Lbs Weight capacity in lbs x 1,000
Type AAR car type code (i.e. XM = boxcar, etc
IL Interior Length or tank
Bldr ACF = American Car & Foundry; BSC = Bethlehem Steel Car; CSCC = Chicago Steel Car Co.; GATC = General American Transportation Co.; H&B; = Haskell & Barker; IC&E; = Illinois Car & Equipment; KCSS = Kansas City Structural Steel; LCC = Litchfield Car Co; MPC = Michigan-Peninsular Car; MC&F; = Missouri Car & Foundry; MCW = Michgan Car Works; MVC = Mt. Vernon Car (PSC); OFC = Ohio Falls Car; PAC = Pennsylvania Car; PCC = Peninsular Car Co.; PSC = Pressed Steel Car; PS = Pullman-Standard; PUL = Pullman; SSC = Standard Steel Car; W&F; = Wells & French; WSCF = Western Steel Car & Foundry (PSC)
Date-Yr Month and Year built
Ret Last year class was listed in ORER
Commodity Most commonly shipped
Design General design features: YSD=Youngstown Sliding Door, YPD=Youngstown Plug Door; YPDX=Youngstown Plug Door Exterior Post; PPD=Pullman " Plug Door; SPD4=Superior Plug Door; ID=Improved Dreadnaught ends, cush=cushioned underframe, Duryea=Duryea cush u.f., FS=ACF Freight Saver cush u.f., Waugh=Waugh cush u.f., EOC=end of car cushioning
Notes General notes
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