A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

A hopper car freight car used to transport loose bulk commodities such as coal, ore, grain, and track ballast.  This type of car is distinguished from a gondola car in that it has opening doors on the underside or on the sides to discharge its cargo.

The DRGW roster information below has not been updated since 1999 by Jim Eager.  If you know of the current deposition of a car listed below or you spot missing, inaccurate data, have model suggestion or a picture for any Rio Grande boxcar we'd love to see & hear about it.   Contact the RGM&HS webmaster at: rgmhswebmaster@rgmhs.org

Hoppers 1887 – 1959

Series Lbs Type I L CuFt Bldr Blt - Yr Ret Commodity Design Notes
17000-17199 2nd 154 HT 40-07 2700 BSC JTN 9- 1957 Coal, Stone 3 bay, 15 rib, welded, NYC design
17200-17499 2nd 154 HT 40-07 2700 ACF HTG 2=3- 1958 Coal, Stone 3 bay, 15 rib, welded, NYC design
18200-18223 100 HM 30-00 1340 PSC 10- 1899 1956 Coal Steel, fishbelly sill, *low side, Rblt 12-26 Ex-RGW 1202-1226
18224-18271 100 HM 30-00 1696 PSC 10- 1900 <1951 Coal Steel, *straight sill, Rblt 12-1926 Ex-RGW 1227-1276
18500-18999 154 HT 42-08 2785 PSC - 1952 Coal 3 bay, 10 rib,*welded
24800-24999 154 HK 40-05 2519 ACF - 1946 Ballast,Coal 9 rib offset, rivt, Rodgers design
25000-25099 3rd 154 HK 40-05 2519 ACF - 1937 Ballast,Coal 9 rib offset, rivt, Rodgers design


Lbs Weight capacity in lbs x 1,000
Type AAR car type code (i.e. XM = boxcar, etc
IL Interior Length or tank
Bldr ACF = American Car & Foundry; BSC = Bethlehem Steel Car; CSCC = Chicago Steel Car Co.; GATC = General American Transportation Co.; H&B; = Haskell & Barker; IC&E; = Illinois Car & Equipment; KCSS = Kansas City Structural Steel; LCC = Litchfield Car Co; MPC = Michigan-Peninsular Car; MC&F; = Missouri Car & Foundry; MCW = Michgan Car Works; MVC = Mt. Vernon Car (PSC); OFC = Ohio Falls Car; PAC = Pennsylvania Car; PCC = Peninsular Car Co.; PSC = Pressed Steel Car; PS = Pullman-Standard; PUL = Pullman; SSC = Standard Steel Car; W&F; = Wells & French; WSCF = Western Steel Car & Foundry (PSC)
Date-Yr Month and Year built
Ret Last year class was listed in ORER
Commodity Most commonly shipped
Design General design features: YSD=Youngstown Sliding Door, YPD=Youngstown Plug Door; YPDX=Youngstown Plug Door Exterior Post; PPD=Pullman " Plug Door; SPD4=Superior Plug Door; ID=Improved Dreadnaught ends, cush=cushioned underframe, Duryea=Duryea cush u.f., FS=ACF Freight Saver cush u.f., Waugh=Waugh cush u.f., EOC=end of car cushioning
Notes General notes
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