A Colorado not-for-profit corporation


Many of the publications listed below have been used in the preparation of these web pages. Specific references are denoted by the reference number surrounded by square brackets, e.g., [1]. Other publications have been included in this bibliography that will be used in the preparation of future pages that will appear here.

Last Update: 09/05/2000

Other Material


  • [64] Fisher, John S., "A Builder Of The West," The Caxton Printers, Ltd. , Caldwell, Idaho, 1939 , This book is about General William Jackson Palmer.
  • [220] Sloan, Robert E., "A Century + Ten of D&RGW Narrow Gauge Freight Cars, 1871 to 1981," Robert E. Sloan , Winona, Minnesota, 2000
  • [206] Thode, Jackson C., "A Century of Passenger Trains: A Study of Passenger Service on the Denver & Rio Grande Railway, Its Heirs, Successors and Assigns," Rocky Mountain Railroad Club , Denver Colorado, 1972.
  • Thode, Jackson C., "A Century of Passenger Trains...And Then Some", Rocky Mountain Railroad Club , Denver Colorado, 2001.
  • [81] Howard, Ernest, "A New Story Of American Railroad Wrecking," Ernest Howard , New York, New York, 1918? , Full citation: A New Story of American Railroad Wrecking. Denver and Rio Grande, Western Pacific and the Missouri Pacific's Part int the Affair. Prepared and Published as the Result of a Private Investigation by Ernest Howard.
  • [221] Danneman, Herbert, "A Ticket to Ride the Narrow Gauge, Colorado Rail Annual No. 24," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, Colorado, 2000
  • [128] Dorman, Richard L., "Alamosa/Salida and the Valley Line," R.D. Publications , Santa Fe, NM, 1991
  • [7] Hilton, George W., "American Narrow Gauge Railroads," Stanford University Press , Stanford, California, 1990
  • [80] D&RG;, "Around The Circle," Knight, Leonard & Co. printers , Chicago, Illinois, 1898 , Full citation: Around the Circle. One Thousand Miles Through the Rocky Mountains. Being a Trip Among Peaks, Over Passes and Through Canyons of Colorado ... Presented by the Passenger Department of the Denver & Rio Grande R.R.
  • [198] Osterwald, Doris B., "Beyond the Third Rail with Monte Ballough and His Camera," Western Guideways , Lakewood, Colorado, 1994.
  • [59] Zimmerman, Karl R., "CZ, The Story Of The California Zephyr," Quadrant Press , New York, New York, 1972
  • [123] Dougherty, Samual A., "Call the Big Hook," Golden West Books , San Marino, CA, 1984
  • [18] "Catalogue Of The Otto C. Perry Memorial Collection Of Railroad Photographs, Volume One," Western History Department, Denver Public Library , Denver, Colorado, 1977
  • [130] Dorman, Richard L., "Chama/Cumbres With a Little Chili," R.D. Publications , Santa Fe, NM, 1988
  • [131] Dorman, Richard L., "Chili Line & Santa Fe: the City Different," R.D. Publications , Santa Fe, NM, 1997
  • [79] Gjevre, John A., "Chili Line, The Narrow Rail To Santa Fe, The Story Of The Narrow Gauge Denver & Rio Grande Western's Santa Fe Branch, 1880-1941," Rio Grande Sun Press , Espanola, New Mexico, 1969
  • [53] Osterwald, Doris B., "Cinders & Smoke, A Mile By Mile Guide For The Durango To Silverton Narrow Gauge Trip," Western Guideways, Ltd. , Lakewood, Colorado, 1987
  • [31] Krause, John and Ross Grenard, "Colorado Memories Of The Narrow Gauge Circle," Carstens Publications , Newton, New Jersey, 19??
  • [32] Colorado Railroad Museum, "Colorado Rail Annual Number 14," , Golden, Colorado, ?,
  • [33] Colorado Railroad Museum, "Colorado Rail Annual Number 21," , Golden, Colorado, ?,
  • [138] "Colorado Rail Annual Number 9," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, CO, 1976 , Covers RGS Geese, D&RGW; Prospector, Fred Jukes photos, C&TS;
  • [54] Park II, Donald K., "Colorado's Joint Line," Parkrail , Fort Collins, Colorado, 1987
  • [67] LeMassena, Robert A. (compiler), "Colorado's Mountain Railroads, Volume 1," The Smoking Stack Press , Golden, Colorado, 1963 , Deals with the Denver, NorthWestern & Pacific, the original incarnation of the Moffat Road.
  • [68] LeMassena, Robert A. (compiler), "Colorado's Mountain Railroads, Volume 2," The Smoking Stack Press , Golden, Colorado, 1965?
  • [69] LeMassena, Robert A. (compiler), "Colorado's Mountain Railroads, Volume 3," The Smoking Stack Press , Golden, Colorado, 1964 , Material on the Denver & Salt Lake, the last incarnation of the Moffat Road.
  • [191] LeMassena, Robert A. (compiler), "Colorado's Mountain Railroads, Volume IV," The Smoking Stack Press , Golden, Colorado, 1966
  • [127] Hill, Ronald C., "Colorful Colorado Railroads in the 1960's," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, CO, 1992
  • [161] Kooistra, Blair, Belmont, Jim, & Gayer, Dave, "Crossroads of the West," Pentrex Media Group , Pasadena, CA, 1998 , A photographic look at fifty years of railroading in Utah
  • [71] Mehls, Steven F., "David H. Moffat, Jr., Early Colorado Business Leader," Garland Publishing, Inc. , New York, New York, 19??
  • [183] Heimburger, Donald J., Ed.,, "Denver & Rio Grande Western Narrow Gauge Plans," S Gaugian , Tolono, Illinois, 1976.
  • [174] LeMassena, Robert A., "Denver and Rio Grande Western Superpower Railroad of the Rockies," TLC Publishing Inc. 1999
  • [129] Dorman, Richard L., "Durango: Always a Railroad Town," R.D. Publications , Santa Fe, NM, 1987
  • [50] Kyner, James H., "End Of Track," University of Nebraska Press , Lincoln, Nebraska, 1960 , This is a first person account by a man who spent much of his life as a railroad construction contractor. One of his jobs was for the Rio Grande.
  • Scultz, J.W. & Wagner, Hol, "Exposition Flyer", Burlington Route Historical Society, Illinois, 2003, BRHS Bulletin #42
  • [82] Bailey, Ralph Edgar, "Fight For The Royal Gorge," W. Morrow , New York, New York, 1968
  • [45] Davis, E. O. (compiled by), "First Five Years Of The Railroad Era In Colorado," Sage Books , Denver, Colorado ?, 1948 , This is mainly a collection of newspaper material on early Colorado railroading. The Rio Grande is mentioned a fair number of times.
  • [61] Anderson, George L., "General William Jackson Palmer, A Decade Of Colorado Railroading, 1870-1880," Colorado College , Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1936
  • [194] McCarthy, Wilson, Judge, "General Wm. Jackson Palmer (1836-1909) and the D&RGW; Railroad!," Princeton University Press , Princeton, New Jersey, 1954.
  • [5] Thode, Jackson C., "George L. Beam And The Denver & Rio Grande, Volume I," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, 1986
  • [6] Thode, Jackson C., "George L. Beam And The Denver & Rio Grande, Volume II," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, 1989
  • [203] Payne, Andy M., "Grande Gold," Railhead Publications , Canton, Ohio, 1989.
  • [22] Dorman, Richard L., "Gunnison," R. D. Publications, Inc. , Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1993
  • [205] Ramsey, Dirk B., and George E. Lawrence, "Locomotive 346: The First Hundred Years," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden Colorado, 1981
  • [16] Colorado Railroad Museum, "Locomotives Of The Rio Grande," Johnson Publishing Company , Boulder, Colorado, 1983
  • [196] Chappell, Gordon S., "Logging Along the Denver & Rio Grande: Narrow Gauge Logging Railroads of Southwestern Colorado and Northern New Mexico," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden Colorado, 1971.
  • [195] Borneman, Walter R., "Marshall Pass: Denver & Rio Grande: Gateway to the Gunnison Country," Century One Press , Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1980.
  • [126] Hill, Ronald C., "Mountain Mainlines of the West," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, CO, 1988
  • [208] Lind, Richard F., "Narrow Gauge Country," Richard F. Lind , Boulder, Colorado, 1963.
  • [219] Sloan, Robert, "Narrow Gauge Data Book," NTRAK Publishing , Atascadero, California, 1993
  • [3] Beebe, Lucius and Charles Clegg, "Narrow Gauge In The Rockies," Howell-North , Berkeley, California, 1958
  • [8] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume I, Rio Grande Southern And D&RGW; Motive Power," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, ?,
  • [9] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume II, Passenger Cars Of The D&RGW;," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1985
  • [10] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume III, Gondolas, Boxcars And Flatcars Of The D&RGW;," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1984
  • [169] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume IV, Refrigerator Cars, Stock Cars and Tank Cars of the D&RGW," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1985
  • [19] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume IX, Rio Grande Southern Right-of-way And Structures, Rico To Durango," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1992
  • [12] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume V, Cabooses Of The D&RGW;," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1987
  • [187] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume VI, Motive Power of the Colorado & Southern," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1986.
  • [188] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume VII, Denver and Rio Grande Western Work Equipment--OA to OZ," R.Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1987.
  • [189] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume X, Numbered Work Cars of the D&RGW," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1993
  • [190] Grandt, Robert L., "Narrow Gauge Pictorial, Volume XI, Locomotives Of The D&RGW;," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1997 .
  • [78] Hungerford, John B., "Narrow Gauge To Silverton, The Story Of An American Heirloom," Hungerford Press , Resada, California, 1966
  • [77] Loveman, Richard and Mel Patrick, "Never On Wednesday, The First Decade Of The Rio Grande Zephyr," PTJ Publishing Company , Park Forest, Illinois, 1980
  • [175] "Official Roster No. 11 of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad System and the Rio Grande Southern Railroad Company," Colorado Railroad Historical Foundation , Golden, Colorado, 1998
  • [166] Wilson, Jeff, "Painting and Weathering Railroad Models," Kalmbach Publishing , Waukesha, Wisconsin, 1995 , Nice shot of DRGW 5369
  • [14] Jones, William C. and Elizabeth B. Jones, "Photo By Mclure," Pruett Publishing Company , Boulder, Colorado, 1983
  • [168] Brouws, Jeffrey T. and Ronald C. Hill, "Railroading West A Contemporary Glimpse," Rail Graphics , Denver, Colorado, 1975
  • [42] Bollinger, Edward T (William C. Jones, Editor), "Rails That Climb, A Narrative History Of The Moffat Road (reprint Edition)," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, Colorado, 1979
  • [40] Bollinger, Edward T, "Rails That Climb, The Story Of The Moffat Road, 2nd Edition," The Rydal Press , Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1950 , Bollinger was a Presbyterian minister who developed a deep fondness for the Moffat Road. He spent some time as a gandy dancer on the Moffat.
  • [209] Lind, Richard F., "Rails to the High Country," Richard F. Lind , Boulder, Colorado, 1961.
  • [200] LePak, Gregory, "Rails to the Rockies," Alpine Publishing , Littleton, Colorado, 1976.
  • [207] Grenard, Ross, "Requiem for the Narrow Gauge," Railhead Publications , Canton, Ohio, 1985.
  • [1] LeMassena, Robert A., "Rio Grande ... To The Pacific," Sundance Limited , Denver, Colorado, 1974
  • [48] Griswold, P. R., "Rio Grande Along The Rio Grande," Phelps R. Griswold , Denver, Colorado, 1986 , This book deals, in large part, with the Rio Grande in the San Luis Valley.
  • [58] Wayner, Robert J. (Editor), "Rio Grande Car Plans," Wayner Publications , New York, New York, 1969
  • [85] Eager, Jim, "Rio Grande Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment," Morning Sun Books Inc. , Edison, New Jersey, 1996
  • [72] Strapac, Joseph A., "Rio Grande Diesels, A Pictorial History - Volume 1," Shade Tree Books , Huntington Beach, California, 1983
  • [73] Strapac, Joseph A., "Rio Grande Diesels, A Pictorial History - Volume 2," Shade Tree Books , Huntington Beach, California, 1984 , The Strapac books take Rio Grande diesels through the SD40T-2s. The SD50s came the year after Volume 2 was published.
  • [167] Strapac, Joseph A., "Rio Grande Diesels, A Pictorial History - Volume 3," Shade Tree Books , Bellflower, California, 1998
  • [137] Forrest, Kenton, et. al., "Rio Grande Freight Traffic Guide, 1951," Tramway Press 1983
  • [122] Lathrop, Gilbert A., "Rio Grande Glory Days," Golden West Books , San Marino, CA, 1976
  • [65] Grenard, Ross B., "Rio Grande In Color, Volume 1 Colorado," Morning Sun Books, Inc. , Edison, New Jersey, 1992
  • [134] Norwood, John,, "Rio Grande Memories," Heimburger House , River Forrest, IL, 198?
  • [15] Norwood, John B., "Rio Grande Narrow Gauge," Heimburger House , River Forest, Illinois, 1983
  • [17] Norwood, John B., "Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Recollections," Heimburger House , River Forest, Illinois, 1986
  • [199] Maxwell, John W., and Charles S. Small, "Rio Grande Narrow Gauge in the Summer of 1941," Railhead Publications , Canton, Ohio, 1986.
  • Sanders, Dale, "Rio Grande Scenic Line of the World", Hyrail Productions, Ferndale, Washington, 1994
  • [55] Patterson, Steve and Kenton Forrest, "Rio Grande Ski Train," Tramway Press , Denver, Colorado, 1984
  • [25] Dorman, Richard L., "Rio Grande Southern - Volume I," ?,
  • [26] Dorman, Richard L., "Rio Grande Southern - Volume II," ?,
  • [171] Stagner, Lloyd E., "Rio Grande Steam Finale," South Platte Press , David City, Nebraska, 1999
  • [66] Heimburger, Donald J., "Rio Grande Steam Locomotives, Standard Gauge," Heimburger House Publishing Company , River Forest, Illinois, 1981 , This contains blueprints and technical data, as well as a small number of pictures.
  • [173] Sandrin, James, "Rio Grande Trackside With Jim Ozment," Morning Sun Books , Scotch Plains, New Jersey, 1999
  • [125] Hill, Ronald C., "Rio Grande West," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, CO, 1982
  • [49] Hill, Ronald C., "Rio Grande West, A Contemporary Glimpse," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, Colorado, 1982
  • [160] Sandrin, James, "Rio Grande in Color, Volume 2: Utah," Morning Sun Books , Scotch Plains, NJ, 1998
  • [176] Hill, Ronald, "Rio Grande in the Rockies A Contemporary Glimpse," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, Colorado, 1977
  • [39] Beebe, Lucius and Charles Clegg, "Rio Grande, Mainline Of The Rockies (2 Volumes)," Howell-North , Burbank, California, 1962 , May have originally appeared as one volume
  • [47] Farewell, R. C., "Rio Grande, Ruler Of The Rockies," Trans-Angelo Books , Glendale, California, 1987
  • [132] Farewell, R. C., "Rio Grande: Secret Places, Volume 1," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, CO, 1997
  • [197] Shoemaker, Len, "Roaring Fork Valley: An Illustrated Chronicle," Sundance Publications , Silverton Colorado, 1973.
  • [124] Fulcomer, Ed, "Rocky Mountain Railroad Memories," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, CO, 1990
  • [184] Chappell, Gordon, and Cornelius W. Hauck, "Scenic Line of the World," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, Colorado, 1977
  • [2] Ferrell, Mallory Hope, "Silver San Juan, The Rio Grande Southern," Pruett Publishing Company , Boulder, Colorado, 1973
  • [57] Shine, Joseph W., "Southern Pacific Lines ... Into The '90s," Four Ways West Publications , La Mirada, California, 1991 , This is at least a starting point to see how the Rio Grande was integrated into the larger SP after Rio Grande Industries bought SP. The Rio Grande material includes a locomotive roster and lots of pictures.
  • [170] Limas, Peter, et. al., "Southern Pacific Rails A Motive Power Finale," White River Productions , Hart, Missouri, 1998
  • [162] Shine, Joeand Bill Shippen, "Southern Pacific in Transition," Four Ways West Publications , La Mirada, California, 1999 , Has roster of D&RGW units remaining at the time of the UP-SP merger, Section on Rio Grande power.
  • [204] Colorado Railroad Museum, "Steam in the Rockies: A Denver Rio Grande Roster," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, Colorado, 1963.
  • [136] Ehernberger, James L., "Sunset on the Rio Grande Southern, Vol. 1," Challenger Press , Cheyenne, WY, 1997
  • [201] Stone, Victor J., "Taking Stock: Narrow Gauge Stock Cars of the Denver & Rio Grande: 1873-1968," Creedstone Publications , Hayling Island, Hampshire, England, 1992.
  • [60] LeMassena, Robert A., "Tennessee Pass, Colorado Rail Annual Number 17, Pp. 125-230," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, Colorado, 1987
  • [185] Dorman, Richard L., "The Southern: A Narrow Gauge Odyssey," RD Publications, Santa Fe, New Mexico , 1986., ?,
  • [193] Ridgeway, Arthur, "The Case of Train Number 3," World Press , Denver, Colorado, 1957.
  • [75] Wilson, O. Meredith, "The Denver & Rio Grande Project, 1870-1901, A History Of The First 30 Years Of The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad," Howe Brothers , Salt Lake City, Utah & Chicago, Illinois, 1982
  • [38] Athearn, Robert G., "The Denver And Rio Grande Western Railroad," University of Nebraska Press , Lincoln, Nebraska, 1977 , Reprint edition, original title is "Rebel of the Rockies"
  • [63] Dorin, Patrick C., "The Domeliners, A Pictorial History Of The Penthouse Trains," Superior Publishing Company , Seattle, Washington, 1973 , The relevant Rio Grande material includes the California Zephyr and the Royal Gorge trains.
  • [62] Boner, Harold A., "The Giant's Ladder," Kalmbach Publishing Company , Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1962 , A good source for David H. Moffat and the Moffat Road. The book is, unfortunately, no longer in print.
  • [186] Grandt, Robert L., "The Grande Mountains: The Standard Gauge 4-8-2's of the Denver and Rio Grande Western," R. Robb Limited , Oakland, California, 1998.
  • [70] Stewart, Paul Logan, "The History Of The Denver And Rio Grande Railway, 1871-1881 (M. A. Thesis)," University of Colorado , Boulder, Colorado, 1931
  • [11] Brian Hollingsworth, "The Illustrated Encyclopedia Of North American Locomotives," Crescent Books , New York, New York, 1984
  • [41] Bollinger, Edward T and Frederick Bauer, "The Moffat Road (reprint)," University of Ohio Press , Athens, Ohio, 1981
  • [51] McMechan, Edgar Carlisle, "The Moffat Tunnel Of Colorado, An Epic Of Empire (2 Volumes)," Wahlgren Publishing Company , Denver, Colorado, 1927 , Even though this book appeared before the tunnel was opened, it contains a wealth of material on the events leading up to the beginning of construction, biographical sketches of men who were prominent in the struggle to get the tunnel, history of the Moffat Road up to the beginning of tunnel construction, wonderful pictures, and a lot of good economic and business information on the Moffat's service area.
  • [37] Albi, Charles and Kenton Forrest, "The Moffat Tunnel: A Brief History," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, Colorado, 1984
  • [135] O'Berry, Dennis, "The Mudhens," R/Robb , Union City, CA, 1995
  • [4] Sloan, Robert E. and Carl A. Skowronski, "The Rainbow Route, An Illustrated History," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, 1975
  • [27] "The Rgs Story - Volume I," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, ?,
  • [28] "The Rgs Story - Volume II," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, ?,
  • [29] "The Rgs Story - Volume III," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, ?,
  • [30] "The Rgs Story - Volume IV," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, ?,
  • [13] McCoy, Dell and Russ Collman, "The Rio Grande Pictorial, 1871-1971, One Hundred Years Of Railroading Through The Rockies," Sundance Limited , Denver, Colorado, 1971
  • [84] Hunt, Louie, "The Silverton Train, A Story Of Southwestern Colorado's Narrow Gauges," , Leucadia, California, 1955
  • [192] LeMassena, Robert A. (compiler), "Colorado's Mountain Railroads, Volume V, "The Smoking Stack Press," Golden, Colorado , 1966., ?,
  • [74] Warman, Cy, "The Story Of The Railroad," D. Appleton and Company , New York, New York, 1906 , Warman was a Colorado journalist, who, among other things, spent a number of years writing railroad news for the "Rocky Mountain News" in Denver. This book may not always be completely trustworthy from a factual standpoint. It is, even so, an interesting read.
  • [56] Riegel, Robert Edgar, "The Story Of The Western Railroads," University of Nebraska Press , Lincoln, Nebraska, 1964
  • [24] "The Train To Yesterday," ?,
  • [44] Choda, Kelly, "Thirty Pound Rails, The Denver & Rio Grande Narrow Gauge," The Filter Press , Palmer Lake, Colorado, 1956
  • [43] Chappell, Gordon, "To Santa Fe By Narrow Gauge, The D&RG;'s "Chili Line"," Colorado Railroad Museum , Golden, Colorado, 1969 , Reprint from the 1969 Colorado Rail Annual
  • [52] Ormes, Robert, "Tracking Ghost Railroads In Colorado," Century One Press , Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1975 , This a great source of information on abandoned lines, branches as well as entire roads.
  • [34] "Trails Among The Columbine 1988," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, 1988
  • [35] "Trails Among The Columbine 1989," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, 1989
  • [36] "Trails Among The Columbine 1990," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, 1990
  • [21] "Trails Among The Columbine 1991/1992," Sundance Publications Limited , Denver, Colorado, 1992
  • [172] "Trails Among The Columbine 1993/1994," Sundance Books , Denver, Colorado, 1994
  • [133] Fox, Wesley, "Twilight of the Denver and Rio Grande," Fox Publications , Arvada, CO, 1992
  • [202] Kramer, Frederick A., "Twilight on the Narrow Gauge: Rio Grande Scenes of the Fifties," Quadrant Press , New York, NY, 1976.
  • [164] Shippen, Bill, "Union Pacific 1997 Motive Power Annual," Four Ways West Publications , La Mirada, California, 1998 , Cross reference for D&RGW locomotives and their UP numbers.
  • [163] Curlee, David, "Union Pacific 1998/1999 Motive Power Annual," Four Ways West Publications , La Mirada, California, 1999 , Cross over reference for D&RGW locomotives and their UP numbers
  • [165] Strack, Don, "Union Pacific Locomotive Directory 1998," Withers Publishing , Halifax, Pennsylvania, 1998 , Cross reference for D&RGW locomotives and their UP numbers, includes renumbering dates.
  • [83] D&RG; and RGW, "Valleys Of The Great Salt Lake," R. R. Donnelly & Sons Company , Chicago, Illinois, 1890 , Full citation: Valleys of the Great Salt Lake. Describing the Garden of Utah and the Two Great Cities of Salt Lake and Ogden. Issued Under the Auspices of the Passenger Department of the Denver & Rio Grande and Rio Grande Western Railroads.
  • [182] LePak, Gregory, "Vanishing Varnish," Alpine Publishing , Littleton, Colorado, 1978.
  • [76] Peabody, George Foster, "William Jackson Palmer, Pathfinder And Builder: A Compilation Of Addresses At Presentations Of Bronze Bas Reliefs And Equistrian Statue, Commemorating His Life And Work," G. F. Peabody (privately printed) , Saratoga Springs, New York, 1931
  • [46] Edmondson, Harold A. and David Goodheart, "Zephyrs Thru The Rockies," Goodheart Publications , Chicago, Illinois, 1986 , This book includes a few brief comments on most of the other standard gauge DRGW passenger trains.
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