Alamosa w/ East Yard (ALA02)


Location: Alamosa w/ East Yard
Original Map Date: 1942
Map Revision Date: 1949
Map Size: Small
Scale: 1″= 100′
Dimensions: 98″x 12″

SKU: ALA02 Category:


Alamosa w/ East Yard Engineering Map (ALA02)

The town of Alamosa was established in May 1878 by the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad and quickly became an important rail center.  According to local legend, the rail crews were fed in Garland City in the morning, then the building was placed on a flat car and the crews were fed dinner from the same building in Alamosa that night. Many of the City’s first buildings were brought in whole, on railroad flat cars.

Alamosa, which means “cottonwood” in Spanish, is still the hub of the San Luis Valley for retail and services.  The railroad had an extensive construction, repair and shipping facility in Alamosa for many years and headquartered its remaining narrow gauge service here with trackage reaching many points throughout southwest Colorado and northern New Mexico.

The map itself is similar to the ALA01 map showing the dual-gauge rail yard and facilities in the heart of Alamosa, but this map includes the large yard to the east which is why its larger then the ALA01 map.

Map Printing & Order Information

The map will be printed on architectural grade paper with a wide-bed laser printer. Physical size of this map is 98″ x 12″.  Keep in mind the details on the map when printed will likely be proportionally smaller and may be more difficult to read.

All map orders are printed on-demand once your order has been received by the Society and processed by our large format printing partner. For that reason please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.


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