
Volume 04, Number 4

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Volume 4 Number 4 – M. Keith Williams, Editor

Published Q4– 2005, 34 pages

  • Mail – highlighting mail editor received in the last quarter
  • Rio Grande’s Non-Zephyr Streamline Cars or Chesapeake & Ohio Passenger Cars in the Rockies by Robert Webber
  • Passenger Consists from 1961
  • Rio Grande’s 01400-Series Caboose Fleet by Williams, M. Keith
  • MMI’s On3 K-27 “Mudhen” by Charlie V. Mutschler
  • “History and Modeling Notes for K-27s by Charlie V. Mutschler


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Volume 4 Number 4 of the Prospector our professionally produced and beautifully illustrated quarterly magazine featuring the finest work of historians and other experts on all aspects of Rio Grande Railroad was published in quarter 2 of 2005. The 34-page issue features five articles.

In Rio Grande’s Non-Zephyr Streamline Cars or Chesapeake & Ohio Passenger Cars in the Rockies by Robert Webber, where he shares information on how some of the Chesapeake & Ohio non-streamline passenger cars found their way on the railroad. As a bonus we’ve shared additional information about some D&RGW passengers consists in 1961 passing through Grand Junction.

The third article, Rio Grande’s 01400-Series Caboose Fleet, covers one of the most distinctive cars found on many model railroads. In the article I cover some of the information I was able to research and the Colorado Railroad Museum on the cabooses numbers 01400 through 01490 constructed at the Burnham shops between August l 940 and September 1959.

In MMI’s On3 K-27 “Mudhen” by Charlie V. Mutschler. Charlie does a modeling review of the Mountain Models Imports (Precision Scale Co) On3 and On30 D&RGW K-27 Class 2-8-2. We have also shared an additional “Mudhen photos gallery” along with Charlie’s second article “History and Modeling Notes for K-27s where he shares basic background data on the K-27s, and some notes on modeling individual prototypes.

We hope you will enjoy Volume 4 Number 4 – Keith Williams, Editor


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