A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

The Prospector 22, Number 4 Has Been Mailed

Arriving soon in a mailbox near you! The Prospector Volume 22, Number 3 started being mailed out this week from our printer.

This issue features another of the late Mike McLaughlin’s short stories, this one known as “The Stove” is about the daily struggle of a signal gang in the Dostero, Colorado, who shelter in a gray bunk car and battle with an old, unpredictable army space heater. Next up Building the Cargill Grain Facility,  D&RGW North Yard, Denver, CO.  in N scale by Dick Roberts. Bringing up the markers is A Different Look at the Rio Grande Zephyr by Daniel Quiat.

We hope you will enjoy all three articles in this final issue of Volume 22,  which is the first issue by Thomas Hogan, Editor.

Both Foreign and Domestic members should start seeing your issue delivered in the next week or so to your mailbox.  If you are not an RGM&HS member, (although we highly recommend joining) this issue is available to purchase from the RGM&HS Company Store.


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