Arriving soon in a mailbox near you! The Prospector Volume 17 Number 1 started being mailed out this week from our printer.
The 32 page issue features two narrow gauge articles, the first, "The Perils of Building a 1/24th Scale D&RG Narrow Gauge Gondola," by Stan Rhine. In the second article, author William B. Fleisher takes us "Around the Narrow Gauge Circle Today." The issue holds forty-five color, and six black and white photos. Both Foreign and Domestic members should start seeing your issue delivered in the next week or so.If you are not an RGM&HS member, (although we highly recommend joining) this issue is available to purchase from the RGM&HS Company Store.
If you believe you are having delivery issues with your copy of The Prospector please send an e-mail to membership@rgmhs.org