A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

The Prospector Volume 17, Number 2 Has Been Mailed

Arriving soon in a mailbox near you! The Prospector Volume 17 Number 2 started being mailed out this week from our printer.

This issue contains three articles of interest to standard gauge, narrow gauge and modeling members. The first is an article on Rio Grande's "committee design" 70-ton hoppers in the 17500-17899 and 14600-14999 series. The second is a pictorial article showing Alamosa in early September, 1970, capturing the vestiges of the D&RGW narrow gauge. The last article provides a history and detailed modeling of the Denver and Rio Grande’s fleet of 36’ double-sheathed, narrow gauge boxcars in the 62000-63499 series.  Both Foreign and Domestic members should start seeing your issue delivered in the next week or so to your mailbox. If you are not an RGM&HS member, (although we highly recommend joining) this issue is available to purchase from the RGM&HS Company Store.

If you believe you are having delivery issues with your copy of The Prospector please send an e-mail to membership@rgmhs.org

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