A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

RGM&HS Website Update – May 2018

May 2018 Website update. Work on the website continues to progress on the complete redesign of our website with a new look and a new location RGMHS.ORG.

There have been many changes in the May 2018 update and more planned for the website on how the society will be providing the best experience to the wealth of D&RGW information online.  This update details the recent changes made on the website this month.

Resource Page Update - The old On-line Data pages has returned to the RGM&HS website.  You will find it in by selecting the Resource button bar at the top of any web page on the site.   We consolidated down the Online Data, Reference and Feature sections of the old website into a single page simplifying a lot of the duplication that the old site had.

For those who recall the old Online Data pages will note several pages still being revamped as we finishing getting permission from the source authors and photographer to post information again.  You see the following sections are complete or in progress on the Resource web page:

  • Roster Information
    • Caboose Roster - Roster is complete and updated with two recent caboose moves
    • Steam & Diesel Rosters - Diesel Roster is 65% complete, Steam roster is next area of focus.  This will include both Standard and Narrow Gauge steam engines.
    • Freight Roster -  the "modern" standard gauge roster (post 1960 til SP merger) is complete, working presently in pre-1960 standard gauge (10% complete) and Narrow gauge rosters.
    • Passenger Trains - Passenger train details will be the last area
  • History & References

DRGW Yahoo Group (List) move to Groups.io - The moderator team for the DRGW Yahoo list has made the decision to move the list from Yahoo Groups to Groups.io with the help of the RGM&HS we are in the process of transferring the list from Yahoo Groups.   It been a great opportunity to work with the DRGW moderator team on a joint project we think will benefit all Rio Grande fans..  When the transfer is complete the current DRGW Yahoo List members will receive an invitation to the new location to Groups.io.

The hope is the DRGW Groups.io list will again become the "unofficial list" open to anyone to talk about anything Rio Grande. Conversation threads regarding RGMHS Society activities should still be discussed on the RGMHS group The "official" RGMHS Yahoo List for paid members of the RGM&HS.  The RGMHS list is planned to transfer over as well from Yahoo Groups later this summer.

2018 RGM&HS Convention Page - With May's site update we finally added all the details for the upcoming 2018 RGM&HS convention planned for August 9-10th in Kansas City, Missouri.  Visitors to the Convention page will see all the details to this point on the convention and also have the option to register for the convention.  The convention page details the following information:

  • Convention Chair Welcome - Brian Holtz message to RGM&HS member regarding convention plans.
  • Presentations - Details on the planned presentation and speakers for the one-day convention in Kansas City.
  • Layout Tours - Details on the three planned DRGW Themed private layout tours.
  • Informal Convention Dinner - Society will host a "self pay' dinner for attendees at Jack Stack Bar-B-Que the historic converted Freight House across from Union Station.
  • Registration - Registration form where folks can reserve their spot at the RGM&HS convention.  An NMRA day pay is required to attend.  We'll post details on how to purchase the NMRA day pass that in the next couple of weeks.
  • Cancellation Policy - Outline conditions and time frame where we will accept a cancellation to the convention.

Implemented SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for RGMHS.ORG - SSL is a standard technology behind establishing an encrypted connection between our web server (host, aka "our website") and a web browser (client, aka "you"). This connection between the two makes sure that all the data passed between them remain private and intrinsic. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites to protect their online transactions with their customers. If you have ever visited a website using the https:// in the address bar you were creating a secure connection via SSL. This is super a super important step for RGM&HS's website as we look to other updates that require SSL like having an e-shop to sell items via our website, SSL helps in establishing trust with our users.

April 2018 Website Traffic Stats - Periodically we are asked about how many people visit the website.  So we thought we'd share some numbers on the website traffic breakdown to the RGMHS.ORG during the month of April 2018:

  • 2,350 Visitors total for the month of April, of those numbers it break down into 1,302 unique visitors to the website for the month.
  • Out of the 2,350 visits to the site 1,052 of those were connections that came from using Facebook
  • United States is the region with the vast majority of connections made to the website for the month.
  • Sunday seems like the most popular day(s) for visitors to check out our website this past month with peak usage time at 5pm.
  • The most downloaded document from the website by RGM&HS members in April was the March 2018 Green Light Newsletter with 197 downloads recorded

We'll post updates to the progress of the website  periodically here and on the Society's Yahoo Group and Facebook page.

If you have feedback, questions or a suggestion for the website as its develops, you can e-mail rgmhswebmaster@rgmhs.org

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