A Colorado not-for-profit corporation

The DRGW Yahoo Group has moved to Groups.io

The DRGW Yahoo Group has moved the group to Groups.io, a new Groups service. The DRGW@groups.io. Group on Groups.io is similar to Yahoo Groups, but we have several new features and we encourage everyone to explore the Groups.io website.

The title of the group is still Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad (and its predecessors). This group is open for anyone interested in the D&RGW - ex-Grande employees, historians, rail-fans and railroad modelers of the D&RGW railroads & its predecessors. Discuss any question, modeling topics, old stories or other items of interest about these railroads and their history including standard and narrow gauge are welcome. Discussion of current operations and interesting sightings on former Rio Grande trackage are also welcome.

Existing members of the of DRGW Yahoo List are automatically subscribed to the new group using your Yahoo registered email address. You do not have to do anything to continue being a member of this group, should have seen a "Welcome to DRGW@groups.io" notice to your inbox in the last 12 hours. If you have never registered with Groups.io before, your account will not have a password set yet. To log in, you can use the 'Email me a link to login' button to have a link emailed to you that will let you log into the website, The group homepage is located here.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact the DRGW Moderator team at:  DRGW+owner@groups.io

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